Did you know that?

Did you know that the mandatory safety belt is Volvo’s initiative?
The seatbelt has a long history that begins in Europe in the XIX century.
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Did you know that sunscreen lotion was invented in France?
The tanned skin trend was introduced by Coco Chanel in the 1920s. Previously, sunbathing was prescribed as a therapy against tuberculosis and rickets.
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Did you know that upcycling products can be violating intellectual property rights?
But what is upcycling? It’s way of extending the life of goods as something that has already been manufactured, but has aged or its quality has deteriorated, by having its design or functionality improved. This practice reached its true zenith during the COVID-19 pandemic. Back then, many designers and crafty people undertook the task of retouching old fashion articles that they own so that they can put them up for reselling.
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Did you know that Wimbledon has its special colours protected with a trademark?
We have just witnessed the winner of one of the oldest and most iconic tennis tournaments in the world, Wimbledon.
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Did you know that every olympic torch has a unique design that represents the hosting country?
The Olympic torch is an important element of the symbolism and stylistics of the Olympic games, so the choice of designer and materials for the torch is quite crucial.
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Did you know that FIFA registered more than 150 brands and over 300 designs in the last 20 years?
The World Cup FIFA tournaments are among the most emblematic football competitions in the world, which inspire fans all over the world.
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Did you know that IOC owns a considerable amount of intellectual property rights?
The international Olympic Committee has a very thorough strategy for intellectual property in place in place to defend its rights.
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Did you know that there are edible barcodes that aim to prevent fraud involving fake goods?
With the growth of the global digital economy and popularisation of online shopping, the problem with fake goods took a new dimension.
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Did you know that the colour is a certain marker for recognising an authentic product?
Everything can become the subject of a scam – even ketchup.
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