With the growth of the global digital economy and popularisation of online shopping, the problem with fake goods took a new dimension. However, every problem is accompanied by an opportunity, and that’s exactly what the story of the TruTag Technologies company is. The company manufactures barcodes that edible and microscopic. They’re made of nanoporous silica that is used to verify a wide range of products, varying from foods to medicines.
TruTag use an advanced hyperspectral imaging technology that can process many more wavelengths than other imaging methods and thus collect more accurate and detailed image data. When scanned, barcodes provide information about the lot number, authorised distributors, and safe use, and where the product was manufactured.

TruTag’s approach is not the only one in the industry as barcodes are becoming more and more complex. For example, InComm, which is a technological company for online payments, has provided four mobile solutions for barcode payments. In Japan, they are directly integrated in pharmaceutical products.